Publications of Mahmoud Hafez on
"computer assisted patientspecific cutting guides"
1. Hafez MA. The use ofComputer-Assisted orthobeadic surgery in complex cases of hip and kneearthropasty: experience from a developing country.. Special issue on"Smart Orthopaedic Surgery". The Journal of Biomedical Engineering.2012. Vol 57, Issue 4, pages 301-306
2. Thienpont E, Paternostre F, Pietsch M, Hafez M, Howell S. Totalknee arthroplasty with patient-specific instruments improves function andrestores limb alignment in patients with extra-articular deformity. The Knee2013.
3. Hafez MA. A New Classification System for Computer AssistedOrthopaedic Surgical Techniques. Bone Joint J 2013 vol. 95-B no. SUPP 15 187
4. Hafez MA, I Rashad. Custom Made Cutting Guides, Navigationand Conventional TKA: A Comparative Study. Bone Joint J 2013 vol. 95-B no. SUPP15 69
5. Hafez MA., A Mounir. A CommunityArthroplasty Register. Bone Joint J 2013 vol. 95-B no. SUPP 15 188
6. Hafez MA. Custom made cuttingguides for TKA. In Surgery of the Knee (5th Ed.), Install JN, Scott N (Eds).Churchill Livingston. 2012, 1240-1254
7. Hafez MA. Patient specificinstrumentation: The past, the present and the future. In Improving Accuracy inknee Arthroplasty. Edited by Thienpont, E., New Delhi, India, Jaypee BrothersMedical Publishers (P) Ltd. 2012, 149-168.
8. Hafez MA. The use of CAOS in complex cases of hip and kneearthroplasty: Experience from a developing country. Journal of BiomedicalEngineering. Due 2011
9. Hafez MA. Navigation, custommade guides and conventional techniques for TKR: A comparative study.Proceedings of the SICOT. 2011. Prague, Czech Republic.
10. Hafez MA, etal. Hap Paul Award Paper: A Novel Technique of Patient Specific Templating forTotal Knee Arthroplasty: Laboratory Validation. ISTA 2010, to be published in Jof Arthroplasty.
11. Hafez MA.Navigation and robotics in knee surgery. Proceedings of the Knee Summit frombirth to death, September, 2007. Cleveland OH, USA.
12. Hafez MA, et al. Computer-Assisted Total Knee Arthroplasty Using Patient-SpecificTemplates: the Custom-made Cutting Guides. In Navigation and MIS inorthopaedics. Springer 2006, Chapter 24, 182-8.
13. Hafez MA, et al. Alternatives to navigation. In Navigation and MIS inorthopaedics. Springer 2006. 580-7
14. Hafez MA,Jaramaz B, DiGioiaIII AM. Computer Assisted Surgery of the Knee: An overview.In Surgery of the Knee (4th Ed.), Install JN, Scott N (Eds). ChurchillLivingston. 2006, 1655-1674
15. Hafez MA,Chelule K, Seedhom BB, Sherman KP. Computer-assisted total knee arthroplastyusing patient-specific templating. Clinical Orthopaedic and Related Research.2006;444:184-192
16. Hafez MA,Computer assisted total knee arthroplasty using patient-specific templates. MD(PhD) Thesis, University of Leeds, UK,2006
17. Hafez MA,et al. Computer assisted patient specific templating. Is it reliable? Proceedingsof Minimally Invasive Joint Arthroplasty (MIS-Meets-CAOS), San Diego , October2005
18. Hafez MA,Chelule K, et al. Computer assisted total knee replacement: Could a two-piececustom template replace the complex conventional instrumentations? ComputerAided Surgery. 2004;9(3):93-4
19. CheluleK, Hafez MA, Seedhom BB, Sherman KP.“Patient-specific template for totalknee arthroplasty in young, active patients”. Proceedings of the InternationalSociety for Technology in Arthroplasty (ISTA), Oxford, UK, Sept. 2002.