Arthroplasty Services
The Arthroplasty services in our unit are nearlycomprehensive and unique as they include different types of traditionaltechniques and recent techniques such as minimally invasive andcomputer-assisted surgery. The scope of our services is joint replacement:traditional techniques in Arthroplasty, total knee Arthroplasty,unicompartmental knee Arthroplasty hip hemiarthroplasty, resurfacing hiparthroplasty, total hip arthroplasty (cemented, hybrid, uncemented, metal onmetal and ceramic on ceramic), shoulder hemiarthroplasty and total shoulderarthroplasty within our scope, we also target minimally invasive surgery (MIS),mini lateral approach for the hip, MIS total knee arthroplasty, navigation andcomputer-assisted surgery. The outcome assessment for our patients includearthroplasty sheets (hip and knee scores) an arthroplasty register. Theoperating rooms are dedicated with telemedicine unit.

Scope of services
Joint replacement:
- Traditional techniques in Arthroplasty
- Total Knee arthroplasty
- Unicompartmental knee arthroplasty
- Hip hemiarthroplasty
- Resurfacing hip arthroplasty
- Cemented
- Hybrid
- Uncemented
- Metal on metal
- Ceramic on ceramic
- Shoulder Hemiarthroplasty
- Total shoulder arthroplasty
- MIS (minimally invasive surgery)
- Mini lateral approach for the hip
- MIS Total Knee Arthroplasty
- Navigation and Computer assisted surgery Click here
Operating Rooms
International Collaboration
Clinical Case examples
A list of Professors and Consultants who have participated in joint replacement operations using patient specific instruments from 2013 to 2014 at October 6 University Hospital